Friday, May 11, 2007

I think someone screwed up.

Originally uploaded by SleepyNita.
I was reviewing the Canada Food Guide today making sure LittleMan was getting all his nutrients when I noticed a glaring ommission in the food groups. Listed are:

1. Fruits and Vegetables
2. Grain Products
3. Milk and Milk Alternatives
4. Meat and Meat Alternatives
and of course Oils and Fats.

Let me ask this one simple question:

Why don't cheerios have their very own food group?


Jackie Sue said...

I would have to say that Cheerios and Goldfish both deserve their own food groups...

familymclean said...


Sleepynita said...

ooohhh goldfish, i forgot about those!

Sleepynita said...

ooohhh goldfish, i forgot about those!